Stage micrometers for reflected light
These are used on the stage of the microscope and provide a simple and reliable means of accurately calibrating eyepiece graticules.
Special prices valid while stocks last.
These are used on the stage of the microscope and provide a simple and reliable means of accurately calibrating eyepiece graticules.
Special prices valid while stocks last.
These are used on the stage of the microscope and provide a simple and reliable means of accurately calibrating eyepiece graticules. A finely divided scale is protected by a cover glass to correspond exactly with the specimen it replaces. The scale is prepared on a glass disc mounted in a metal slide (76 x 26mm) for convenient handling.
Micrometers without a cover glass for use with reflected light and suitable for use with metallurgical microscopes are also available.
AGL4079 Stage micrometer, 1mm scale, 0.01mm sub-divisions, line width 2µm (+0.1µm), accuracy <1µm overall
AGL4081 Stage micrometer, 10mm scale, 0.1mm sub-divisions, line width 5µm, accuracy <2 µm overall