ORDER ONLINE - no minimum order value
AGENTS & DISTRIBUTORS - available worldwide
REQUEST QUOTES - fast online pricing

Order by Stock Code from a customer account

From, log in to your customer account:




In the panel on the left, choose Order by Stock Code:

Either of the following methods of populating the basket will pick up discounted prices when signed into your account.


To add individual items either:


Add items by Stock Code:

  • Enter the Stock Code and Qty of the item to be ordered.
  • To add additional items as needed, click Add Row, and repeat for as many items as necessary.
  • Add to Basket



To upload a CSV file of multiple items to be ordered, do the following:

  • Prepare a CSV file that includes columns for SKU and Qty.
  • To upload the CSV file, click Choose File and select the file to upload.
  • Click Add to Basket.


Example CSV file:


Example CSV file loaded into basket: