The chemicals and mixtures offered by Agar Scientific are labelled with the appropriate hazard symbols and risk and safety phrases in accordance with current UK regulations and EC directives.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)/Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available to assist in the safe handling and storage of products, and the completion of any requirements under COSHH. Our catalogue entries indicate the main hazards, providing guidance towards safe handling and storage. Also bear in mind that sending hazardous materials may also involve special shipping requirements.
AG16017A Epo-Tek H70E Part A MSDS
AG16017B Epo-Tek H70E Part B MSDS
AG16023 Acetone MSDS
AG16026, AG16026-10 High Performance Ceramic Adhesive MSDS
AG16032 Collidal Silver Paste MSDS
AG16034 Colloidal Silver MSDS
AG16050 Conductive Carbon Glue MSDS
AG16055 Conductive Nickel Paint MSDS
AG16058 Graphite Aerosol MSDS
AG16062, AG16062-15 Conductive Silver Paint MSDS
AG812-648, AG812-649 Smart Cut Coolant MSDS
AG812-650, AG812-653 SO Cutting Fluid MSDS MSDS
AG891-62 CELVASEAL Aerosol Spray Can MSDS
AG891-63 CELVASEAL Brush-on Bottle MSDS
AGB7241 Wax W40 Developer MSDS
AGB7259 QuickStick Temporary Mounting Wax MSDS
AGB7270, AGB7270A Apiezon L Grease MSDS
AGB7271 Apiezon H Grease MSDS
AGB7272, AGB7272-1, AGB7272-2 Apiezon M Grease MSDS
AGB7273 Apiezon N Grease MSDS
AGB7274 Apiezon Q Compound MSDS
AGB7275 Apiezon W Wax MSDS
AGB7277 Apiezon T Grease MSDS
AGB7278 Silicone High Vacuum Grease MSDS
AGB7282 Apiezon Wax W100 MSDS
AGB7292 VACSEAL High Vacuum Leak Sealant Liquid MSDS
AGB7293 VACSEAL High Vacuum Leak Sealant Aerosol MSDS
AGB7299 Klubertemp Grease GR RT 15NF Grease MSDS
AGB7311 Crystalbond 555 Adhesive Stick MSDS
AGB7312 Crystalbond 509 Adhesive Stick MSDS
AGB7313 Crystalbond 555-HMP Adhesive Stick MSDS
AGB7314 Crystalbond 590 Adhesive Stick MSDS
AGB7323 Crystalbond 590-S Stripper MSDS
AGB7324 Crystalbond 562-S Stripper MSDS
AGB7638 Lion S Oil MSDS
AGB8187 EpoThin 2 Resin MSDS
AGB8188 EpoThin 2 Hardener MSDS
AGB8198H EpoKwick Fast Curing Hardener MSDS
AGB8198R EpoKwick Fast Curing Resin MSDS
AGB8225 Alumina Suspension Medium MSDS
AGB8226 Alumina Suspension Fine MSDS
AGB8227 Alumina Suspension Extra Fine MSDS
AGB8784, AGB8784F EpoMet G Moulding Powder MSDS
AGB8785 ProbeMet Conductive Moulding Powder MSDS
AGB8786H Samplkwick Acrylic Cold Mounting Hardener MSDS
AGB8786P Samplkwick Acrylic Cold Mounting Powder MSDS
AGB8788 KonductoMet MSDS
AGB8789H Varidur10 Hardener MSDS
AGB8789P Varidur10 Powder Semi Transparent MSDS
AGB8790H EpoFix Hardener MSDS
AGB8790R EpoFix Resin MSDS
AGB8800 Scandiplast Resin MSDS
AGB8801 Scandiplast Hardener MSDS
AGB8802 Scandiplex 82A MSDS
AGB8805 Scan-dia Varioplex MSDS
AGB8808, AGB8809, AGB8810 Aequidir Hardness Equaliser MSDS
AGB8815 Scandiquick Powder MSDS
AGB8816 Scandiquick Liquid MSDS
AGB8830 Demotec 70 Powder MSDS
AGB8831 Demotec 70 Liquid MSDS
AGB9627 Hexid A4 Transfer Fluid MSDS
AGC350 Cryo-Gel MSDS
AGC351, AGC352 Cytofix Spray MSDS
AGC353 LV Cryo Oil MSDS
AGC354 Cytofixx MSDS
AGC8010E, AGC8011E, AGC8012E Falcon Dust-Off Plus Special Application ECO MSDS
AGC8013, AGC8014, AGC8015 Falcon New Formulation Dust-Off Plus MSDS
AGC8016 Puff Duster MSDS
AGC8018 Falcon Dust-Off Eco MSDS
AGC8044, AGC8043, AGC8024 Dust-Off Disposable Cans MSDS
AGC8039 Azowipe Bacterial Wipes MSDS
AGC8045 Label Off MSDS
AGC8046 Kontakt IPA MSDS
AGC8047 Kontakt 40 MSDS
AGC8048 Anti-Static Cleaning Foam MSDS
AGC8049 3M Citrus Cleaner MSDS
AGC807 Wenol Metal Polish MSDS
AGC8070 Pikal Profesional Polishing Paste MSDS
AGC8075 Labtek Liquid MSDS
AGC847 Decon 90 MSDS
AGC848 Decon Neutracon MSDS
AGC849 Procare Barrier Cream MSDS
AGC901, AGC902 Ultrasonic Cleaner Solution for Oxidation and Rust Removal MSDS
AGC903, AGC904, AGC905 Ultrasonic Cleaner Solution for Flux Remover from PCB MSDS
AGC906, AGC907 Ultrasonic Cleaner Solution for Brass, Copper and Aluminium MSDS
AGG250-1, AGG250-2, AGG250-3, AG50-P1 Mica Sheets MSDS
AGG255, AGG255A, AGG255B, AGG254B Cellulose Acetate MSDS
AGG302, AGG3691 Quick Drying Silver Paint MSDS
AGG303E Aquadag ECO MSDS
AGG3040A Epo-Tek H20E Part A MSDS
AGG3040B Epo-Tek H20E Part B MSDS
AGG3041A Epo-Tek 301 Part A MSDS
AGG3041B Epo-Tek 301 Part B MSDS
AGG3042A Epo-Tek 353ND Part A MSDS
AGG3042B Epo-Tek 353ND Part B MSDS
AGG3203 M-Bond 610 Adhesive MSDS
AGG3203AA M-Bond 610 Adhesive MSDS
AGG3207A M-Bond 610 Adhesive MSDS
AGG3207AA M-Bond 610 Adhesive, Kit MSDS
AGG3207C M-Bond 610 Curing Agent MSDS
AGG3300 Leit C Conducting Carbon Cement MSDS
AGG3300A Leit C Thinners MSDS
AGG3301 DURON Anti-Static Spray MSDS
AGG3302, AGG3302A Leit C Plast MSDS
AGG3303B Conductive Silver Paint L200N MSDS
AGG3304 High Performance Silver Paste MSDS
AGG3305, AG16030 Tempfix Adhesive MSDS
AGG3334 Millipore Cement MSDS
AGG3342 Silver Conductive Pen MSDS
AGG3344 Ink Pen for SEM MSDS
AGG3349A Silver Epoxy Kit Part A MSDS
AGG3349B Silver Epoxy Kit Part B MSDS
AGG3359A Ecosolve 825 MSDS
AGG3400 Kemet Diamond Compound MSDS
AGG3401, AGG3402, AGG3403 Kemet Diamond Compound Type KD MSDS
AGG3407, AGG3408 Kemet Cleaning Fluid Type CO42 MSDS
AGG3411 Kemet Lubricating Fluid Type OS MSDS
AGG3412 Kemet Lubricating Fluid Type W MSDS
AGG3418 Conductive Graphite Isopropanol Base MSDS
AGG3418A Conductive Graphite Extender MSDS
AGG3462 Bell Shine Spray MSDS
AGG3535 Conductive Gold Paste MSDS
AGG3537 MICRO 90 Liquid Cleaner MSDS
AGG3648, AGG3649, AGG3692 Electrodag 1415 MSDS
AGG3689 Graphit 33 MSDS
AGG371 Lacomit Varnish MSDS
AGG372 Lacomit Remover MSDS
AGG3721 Copper Spray MSDS
AGG3734 Electrodag 502 MSDS
AGG373A Quadratech Instrument Cleaner MSDS
AGG3790 PELCO Colloidal Silver MSDS
AGG3791 Diluent for AGG3790 + AGG3535 MSDS
AGG3793 Mikrostik MSDS
AGG3870 Lubricating Fluid Type K MSDS
AGG3880 Thermoplastic Wax (80°C Melting Point) MSDS
AGG3881 Thermoplastic Wax (52°C Melting Point) MSDS
AGG6010 etc. Bio Diamant Paste Series 100 MSDS
AGG6012 etc. Bio Diamant Stick Series 122 MSDS
AGG6013 etc. Bio Diamant Stick Series 123P MSDS
AGG6044 etc. Bio Diamant Liquid Neodia M MSDS
AGG6048 etc. Bio Diamant Liquid Neodia P MSDS
AGG6052 etc. Bio Diamant Liquid Neodia F MSDS
AGG6115 etc. Bio Diamant Abrasive Suspension Pulmatic 310 MSDS
AGG6116 etc. Bio Diamant Abrasive Suspension Pulmatic 320P MSDS
AGG6394, AGG6395, AGG6396, AGG6397 ALPLAN Polishing Liquids MSDS
AGG6408, AGG6409 Final Liquid MSDS
AGG6409 L1 Liquid MSDS
AGG6410 L2 Liquid MSDS
AGG6416 Copper Hot Mounting Resin 604.3 MSDS
AGG6417, AGG6418 Methyl-Methacrylate Cold Mounting Resin 605 Powder MSDS
AGG6420 Polyester Cold Mounting Resin 607 Liquid MSDS
AGG6421 Polyester Cold Mounting Resin 607 Hardener MSDS
AGG6422 Polyester Cold Mounting Resin 607 Powder MSDS
AGG6425, AGG6426 Methyl-Methacrylate Cold Mounting Resin 609 Powder MSDS
AGG6427, AGG6428 Methyl-Methacrylate Cold Mounting Resin 605 Liquid MSDS
AGG6429, AGG6430 Acrylic Hot Mounting Resin 616 MSDS
AGG6431 Graphite Hot Mounting Resin 617 MSDS
AGG6432, AGG6433 Methyl-Methacrylate Cold Mounting Resin 609 Liquid MSDS
AGG6442, AGG6441 Epoxy Hot Mounting Resin 633 MSDS
AGG6443 Epoxy Hot Mounting Resin 634 MSDS
AGG6459 SOLILUB Powder Mould Removal Agent MSDS
AGG6476 Acrylic Cold Mounting Resin 601.2 Liquid MSDS
AGG6477 Acrylic Cold Mounting Resin 601.2 Varnish MSDS
AGG6478 Epoxy Cold Mounting Resin 603 Liquid MSDS
AGG6481 Epoxy Cold Mounting Resin 603 Hardener MSDS
AGG6484, AGG6485 Acrylic Hot Mounting Resin 616.2 MSDS
AGG6486, AGG6487, AGG6488 Phenofree Resins - Grey MSDS
AGG6489, AGG6490, AGG6491 Phenofree Resins - Red MSDS
AGG6492, AGG6493, AGG6494 Phenofree Resins - White MSDS
AGG6495, AGG6496 Polishing Lubricant 704 MSDS
AGG6498 Lubricant Fluid Booster Premium Type 3 MSDS
AGG6499, AGG6500 Lubricant Fluid 702 MSDS
AGG6703L Resin 665 Liquid MSDS
AGG6703P Resin 665 Powder MSDS
AGG6712 Epoxy Cold Mounting Resin 603.2 Liquid MSDS
AGG6713 Epoxy Cold Mounting Resin 603.2 Hardener MSDS
AGL4186 Gelatine MSDS
AGL4197S, AGL4197M Super PAP Pen MSDS
AGL4397A, AGL4397B Cargille Immersion Oil Type A and B MSDS
AGL4397DF Immersion Oil Type LDF MSDS
AGL4397FF Cargille Immersion Oil Type FF MSDS
AGP9104 Ilfostop MSDS
AGP9106 Ilford Phenisol Developer MSDS
AGP9141 Tetenal Superfix Plus MSDS
AGP9145A Kodak Photo-Flo Solution MSDS
AGP9152 Ilford PQ Universal Developer MSDS
AGP9159 Ilford Multigrade Developer MSDS
AGP9183 Ilford Hypam Fixer MSDS
AGP9190 Ilfotol Wetting Agent MSDS
AGR1000 UA-Zero EM Stain MSDS
AGR1009 Glutaraldehyde 25% Practical Grade MSDS
AGR1010, AGR1011, AGR1012 Glutaraldehyde 25% EM Grade MSDS
AGR1013, AGR1014 Glutaraldehyde 70% Double Distilled MSDS
AGR1015, AGR1016, AGR1017 Osmium Tetroxide MSDS
AGR1018 Paraformaldehyde MSDS
AGR1019, AGR1021, AGR1022 Osmium Tetroxide 2% Solution MSDS
AGR1020 Glutaraldehyde 25% EM Grade 10 x 10ml Ampoule MSDS
AGR1023, AGR1024 Osmium Tetroixde 4% Solution MSDS
AGR1026 Paraformaldehyde 16% Solution (methanol-free) MSDS
AGR1027 Ruthenium Tetroxide MSDS
AGR1030C Dibutyl Phthalate MSDS
AGR1034 Initiator C (Lowicryl HM20) MSDS
AGR1034D Crosslinker D (Lowicryl HM20) MSDS
AGR1034E Monomer E Solution (Lowicryl HM20) MSDS
AGR1035A Monomer B Solution (Lowicryl K4M) MSDS
AGR1035B Crosslinker A (Lowicryl K4M) MSDS
AGR1035C Initiator C (Lowicryl K4M) MSDS
AGR1036C Glycol Methacrylate Resin Kit, Carbowax 400 MSDS
AGR1036S Glycol Methacrylate Resin Kit, 2-Butoxyethanol MSDS
AGR1040, AGR1041, AGR1042 Araldite CY212 Resin MSDS
AGR1043, AGR1044, AGR1045 Agar 100 Resin MSDS
AGR1047R ERL-4221 MSDS
AGR1049 Methyl Methacrylate MSDS
AGR1050 N-Butyl Methacrylate MSDS
AGR1051, AGR1052 & AGR1053 Dodecenylsuccinic Anhydride DDSA MSDS
AGR1054, AGR1055, AGR1056 Nonenyl Succinic Anhydride (NSA) MSDS
AGR1373, AGR1374, AGR1375 Low Viscosity Hardener VH1
AGR1058, AGR1059 Benzoyl Peroxide MSDS
AGR1060, AGR1061 & AGR1062 Benzyl Dimethylamine (BDMA) MSDS
AGR1063, AGR1064, AGR1065 Tri-Dimethylaminomethyl Phenol (DMP-30) MSDS
AGR1066, AGR1067 Dimethylaminoethanol (S-1) MSDS
AGR1070, AGR1071 Dibutyl Phthalate MSDS
AGR1072, AGR1073, AGR1074 DER 736 MSDS
AGR1075 Lowicryl K4M MonoStep Kit MSDS
AGR1076 Lowicryl HM20 MonoStep Kit MSDS
AGR1080 Propylene Oxide MSDS
AGR1081, AGR1082 & AGR1083 Methyl Nadic Anhydride (MNA) MSDS
AGR1084, AGR1085, AGR1086 GMA (2-hydroxythyl methacrylate) MSDS
AGR1088 N N-Dimethyl Aniline MSDS
AGR1089 2-Butoxyethanol MSDS
AGR1090, AGR1091, AGR1092 Araldite RD-2 Resin MSDS
AGR1098A Xylene MSDS
AGR1100, AGR1101 S-Collidine MSDS
AGR1102, AGR1103, AGR1104, AGR1105 Sodium Cacoldylate MSDS
AGR1121 Hepes MSDS
AGR1130A JB-4 Solution A MSDS
AGR1130B JB-4 Solution B MSDS
AGR1130C JB-4 Catalyst MSDS
AGR1131A Histocryl Accelerator MSDS
AGR1131B Benzoyl Peroxide Catalyst MSDS
AGR1131H Histocryl MSDS
AGR1133C Crosslinker H (Lowicryl K11M) MSDS
AGR1133M Monomer I Solution (Lowicryl K11M) MSDS
AGR1133R Monomer I Solution (Lowicryl K11M) MSDS
AGR1134 Crosslinker F (Lowicryl HM23) MSDS
AGR1134G Monomer G (Lowicryl HM23) MSDS
AGR1134J Initiator J (Lowicryl HM23) MSDS
AGR1155, AGR1156 Ammonium Molybdate MSDS
AGR1170 Sodium Di-Hydrogen Orthophosphate MSDS
AGR1172 Di-Sodium Hydrogen Orthophosphate MSDS
AGR1180 OCT Compound MSDS
AGR1195 Dimethyl Sulfoxide MSDS
AGR1201, AGR1202 Formvar MSDS
AGR1207 Lanthanum Nitrate MSDS
AGR1209 Lead Acetate Basic MSDS
AGR1210 Lead Citrate MSDS
AGR1212 Phosphomolubdic Acid Hydrate MSDS
AGR1213 Phosphotungstic Acid Hydrate MSDS
AGR1215 Potassium Permanganate MSDS
AGR1217 Lead Nitrate MSDS
AGR1227, AGR1226 Ruthenium Red MSDS
AGR1228 Hexamethyldisilazane MSDS
AGR1230 Sodium Silicotungstate MSDS
AGR1260C Platinum Blue EM Stain MSDS
AGR1260D EM Stain 336MSDS
AGR1272 Silver Paint Diluent MSDS
AGR1275 Pioloform MSDS
AGR1276 Butvar B98 Powder MSDS
AGR1277 Silicon Monoxide MSDS
AGR1278A Indicating Silica Gel MSDS
AGR1280, AGR1281, AGR1282 LR White Resin, Catalysed MSDS
AGR1280A, AGR1281A, AGR1282A LR White Resin, Uncatalysed MSDS
AGR1281C Catalyst for LR Resin MSDS
AGR1283 LR White Accelerator MSDS
AGR1284 LR Gold Resin MSDS
AGR1285 Benzil MSDS
AGR1286 Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) MSDS
AGR1287 Benzoyl Peroxide (stabilised 50%) MSDS
AGR1310, AGR1311, AGR1312 Glutaraldehyde 25% Vacuum Distilled MSDS
AGR1313, AGR1314 Glutaraldehyde 50% Vacuum Distilled MSDS
AGR1320, AGR1320A Citifluor Glycerol Pbs Solution AF1 MSDS
AGR1321, AGR1321A Citifluor Glycerol Solution AF2 MSDS
AGR1322, AGR1322A Citifluor Phosphate Buffered Saline AF3 MSDS
AGR1323, AGR1324 Citifluor Non-Fluorescent Immersion Oil MSDS
AGR1327 Citifluor AF4 Mountant Solution MSDS
AGR1328-1 Citifluor AF100 Antifadent Solution MSDS
AGR1328-2 Citifluor AF200 Antifadent Solution MSDS
AGR1328-3 Citifluor AF300 Antifadent Solution MSDS
AGR1330-10, AGR1330-25 Citifluor CFM-1 Mountant Solution MSDS
AGR1330A-10, AGR1330A-25 Citifluor CFM-1 Mountant Solution + Antifaden MSDS
AGR1331-10, AGR1331-25 Citifluor CFM-2 Mountant Solution MSDS
AGR1332-10, AGR1332-25 Citifluor CFM-3 Mountant Solution MSDS
AGR1333-2 UVM-2 MSDS
AGR1337 Ethylene Dichloride MSDS
AGR1339, AGR1339-500 Eukitt MSDS
AGR1340 DPX (contains Xylene) MSDS
AGR1343 Canada Balsam In Xylene MSDS
AGR1344, AGR1344A Euparal Mounting Media MSDS
AGR1344B Euparal Thinner MSDS
AGR1346 Solvent for Polymerised Resin MSDS
AGR1347 Solvent for Unpolymerised Resin MSDS
AGR1351, AGR1352 Histomount MSDS
AGR1353 Histo-Clear II MSDS
AGR1370, AGR1371, AGR1372 Low Viscosity Resin MSDS
AGR1373, AGR1374, AGR1375 Low Viscosity Hardener VH1 MSDS
AGR1376, AGR1377, AGR1378 Low Viscosity Hardener VH2 MSDS
AGR1379, AGR1380, AGR1381 Low Viscosity Accelerator MSDS
AGR1500, AGR1501, AGR1502 Sodium Cacodylate Buffer 0.2M, pH 7.4 MSDS
AGR1503, AGR1504 Sodium Cacodylate Buffer 0.2M, PH 7.2 MSDS
AGR1550, AGR1551, AGR1552 Glutaraldehyde (0.625%, 2%, 2.5%) in 0.1M Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.4 MSDS
AGR1700 Acid Fuchsin MSDS
AGR1701 Acridine Orange MSDS
AGR1702 Alcian Blue 8GX MSDS
AGR1703 Aniline Blue MSDS
AGR1704 Aniline Blue, water soluble MSDS
AGR1705 Azur II MSDS
AGR1708 Crystal Ponceau MSDS
AGR1709 Eosin Y (yellowish) MSDS
AGR1710 Eosin B (bluish) MSDS
AGR1711 Fast Green FCF MSDS
AGR1712 Fluorescein MSDS
AGR1713 Giemsa's Stain MSDS
AGR1718 Methyl Green MSDS
AGR1720 Neutral Red MSDS
AGR1722 Ponceau de Xylidine MSDS
AGR1728 Van Gieson's Stain MSDS
AGR1731 Brilliant Green MSDS
AGR1732 Carmine MSDS
AGR1733 Congo Red MSDS
AGR1734 Methyl Blue MSDS
AGR1735 Nigrosine (Water Soluble) MSDS
AGR19478 Mount-Quick MSDS
AGS130-1, AGS130-4, AGS130-7 Polystyrene Uniform Latex Particles MSDS
AGS1800 etc. Nanosphere Size Standards MSDS
AGS1803-05, AGS1803-07, AGS1803-10, AGS1803-15 Silica Particle Size Standards MSDS
AGY5624 High Temperature Carbon Paste MSDS