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Western Blot Substrates

The PAL Femto and Pico Plus Western Blot Substrates, are a luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescent substrates. 

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Name & Code
Grouped product items
Code & DescriptionAvailabilityPriceQty
PAL FEMTO Plus Western Blot Substrate
Average lead time: 9 days
Average lead time: 9 days
PAL Pico Plus Western Blot Substrate
Average lead time: 9 days
Average lead time: 9 days
Product Description

The PAL Femto and Pico Plus Western Blot Substrates, are a luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescent substrates which are sensitive and compatible with conducting immunoblots  with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)—conjugated secondary antibodies. 

PAL Western Blot SubstratesAdvantagesSensitivity
PAL Pico Plus Western Blot SubstrateBest value of abundant protein detection and best sensitivity among entry-level western substrate. Low picogram or high femtogram.
PAL Femto Plus Western Blot SubstrateBorn to seek, seeking less abundant proteins in your Western Blot, even low femtograms.Mid femtogram to low femtogram.
Delivery & Returns
PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.