The Geller MRS-4.2, is a fifth generation magnification calibration standard. These calibration standards are highly accepted pitch standards, they are offered as traceable certified reference materials or, optionally, at lower cost without traceability. To support the standard we offer a cleaning service and recertification program, as required by the ISO-9001, ISO-16700 and QS-9000 international quality standards.
The simple geometric design of the MRS-4.2 has groups of nested squares spanning several orders of magnitude with pitches of ½µm, 1µm, 2µm, 50µm and 500µm. Newly incorporated into the standard is a ruler which is 6mm long with 1µm increments and large 1 and 2µm horizontal and vertical pitch patterns for ISO-16700 compliance. The pitch (the distance between repeating parallel lines using center-to-center or edge–to-edge spacing) is measured and certified. Linewidth measurements (the measurement of a single line or space width) can only be related if the same type of illumination is used as for the calibrating instrument since edge effects lead to uncertainty in the edge locations. Using pitch measurements errors from edge-to-edge locations cancel as long as like positions are measured.