Glutaraldehyde Fixative
Glutaraldehyde is used in biological electron microscopy as a fixative, several grades are available.
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Glutaraldehyde is used in biological electron microscopy as a fixative, several grades are available.
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EM grade for use in electron microscopy. It is stable for over 6 months, has a pH 5 - 6 and proves to be an excellent fixative for structural studies. Designed to be used in histochemical or immunological reactions.
Vacuum distilled grade is purified to remove all polymerised material and has no UV absorption at 235nm. It is packed in neutral glass under nitrogen for best results with enzyme histochemistry. Any distilled glutaraldehyde is relatively unstable and has a high risk of polymerising if not handled properly. It is therefore recommended that this grade of material is only purchased for use within a 3 to 4 week period and is carefully stored at 4°C without continued defrosting and recapping.