YAG single crystal scintillators offer very fast response times of 50 to 60ns and, unlike plastic or most phosphor scintillators, do not degrade when bombarded by electrons or ions. They are particularly suited to high current operations. Light emission peaks at about 560nm, which means that S20 photo cathodes are most suitable for detecting the emission. The response is better than for the Plano P47 discs below 5kV and at higher accelerating voltages, offering linear response where the performance of powder scintillators falls off. The crystal should be coated with 50nm of aluminium before use. If the layer becomes damaged, it can be removed with sodium hydroxide without damaging the crystal. Crystals are mounted with the matt surface in contact with the light pipe to increase efficiency. Uncoated YAG scintillators may be baked at temperatures of up to 1000 °C.
Discs are 1mm thick, unless otherwise specified.