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Perfect loop for light microscopy

Very lightweight stainless steel loop for manoeuvring freshly cut, thick sections onto grids without creasing.

Special prices valid while stocks last. 

All prices exclude VAT.
Name & Code
Grouped product items
Code & DescriptionAvailabilityPriceQty
Perfect Loop, LM, Loop and Handle Set
Average lead time: 25 days
Average lead time: 25 days
Perfect Loop, LM, Loop only
Average lead time: 11 days
Average lead time: 11 days
Product Description

Very lightweight stainless steel loop for manoeuvring freshly cut, thick sections onto grids without creasing. Loop thickness is 0.5mm, and the handle is aluminium with an anodised aluminium slip lock. Dimensions: 4.7 dia x 150mm.

Delivery & Returns
PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.