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Calibre Scientific Cell Manipulation

Transferman® 4m

Electronic micromanipulator for use in human ICSI according to EU Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.

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Code & DescriptionAvailabilityPriceQty
TransferMan 4m, medical variant UK/I
Average lead time: 32 days
Average lead time: 32 days
Product Description

Are you facing an increasing number of ICSI-cycles per day with the same high fertilization/blastocyst rates of precious oocytes? Did you ever experience work-related stress or pain in arms, neck or back due to unergonomic (setup of) micromanipulators?

The TransferMan® 4m was designed to solve main challenges of modern IVF-labs to increase fertilization/blastocyt rates, reproducibility, throughput, and to minimize work-related stress for the user. Request a personal on-site demo to compare easy, ergonomic handling and excellent performance of the TransferMan® 4m to your current solution - convince yourself.

  • Micromanipulation of oocytes or embryos of the early developmental stages (e.g. ICSI, hatching, etc.)
  • PGT-related biopsies (e.g. trophectoderm biopsy)
  • Unique DualSpeed joystick for both precise and fast movements
  • Designed with PhysioCare Concept® for enhanced ergonomics and less pain
  • Y-off function for precise and less traumatic injection movement in X-direction
  • Unprecedented direct transmission of movement without any recognizable latency
  • Programmable Z-axis limit for preventing capillary breakage
  • Storage of work positions in and above the medium droplets for increased workflow speed
  • Can be adapted to all conventional microscopes
Technical DataDelivery & Returns
PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.