Chemographic test samples with synthetic GSR distributions
Chemographic test specimens, developed for the optimisation and validation of chemographic methods for Shooting Distance Determination (SDD) forensic applications.
Chemographic test specimens, developed for the optimisation and validation of chemographic methods for Shooting Distance Determination (SDD) forensic applications.
These Chemographic test specimens have been developed for the optimisation and validation of chemographic methods for Shooting Distance Determination (SDD) forensic work along with other applications. They are suitable as sample material for inter-laboratory tests according to ISO-Guide 43-1 and 2 or DIN/ISO 5725, as they meet the DIN/ISO requirements for identical sample material.
GSR pattern distributions containing lead (Pb), are printed on the surface of a textile sample using a special, patent-protected printing process. The applied distributions simulate typical GSR distributions from different shooting distances (synthetic GSR) or serve to control the applied dyeing/staining process (Homogeneity & Resolution Limit). They are suitable for chemographic staining of the lead (Pb) distribution with both the reagents sodium rhodizonate and with sodium sulphide.
Two sets are available:
Synthetic GSR distributions
The 'comparison shot series' consists of 24 textile samples. The applied distributions simulate typical GSR pattern applications for distances of 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000mm. The set consists of 2 x 12 samples as illustrated and is particularly suitable for testing the quality of the staining process on actual samples or for validating the process.
Homogeneity & Resolution Sample
This set consists of 24 textile samples; 18 homogeneity and 6 resolution. The prints are designed to assess the homogeneity or lateral resolution limit for chemographic staining of GSR pattern distributions (see illustration for the layout of the Homogeneity and Resolution sample). The textile samples are particularly suitable for checking and documenting the quality/reproducibility of the dyeing process used on a regular basis, eg. as required by ISO 17025.
Both sets are only partially suitable for direct dyeing of the lead (Pb) distribution on the fabric. Sample size approx. 200 x 200mm.