FIB Prepared Micro-Cross Sectioning and Imaging Service
FIB Prepared Micro-Cross Sectioning and Imaging Service
FIB can precisely locate and section a feature on a sample and directly take images of it.
All prices exclude VAT.
DescriptionTech Data
Product Description
Agar Scientific and NanoScope Services are partnering to offer unique FIB services in specimen preparation. Focussed Ion Beam or FIB offers many possibilities for preparing sections not possible using more conventional mechanical polishing or sectioning methods. FIB can precisely locate and section a feature on a sample and directly take images of it. Multiple slices can be taken through the same feature.
There are 4 clear advantages
It is ECONOMICAL, EASY and FAST. Preparing a conventional mechanical section through a complex material takes time. FIB is efficient, versatile and cost effective, with samples processed quickly and the images emailed directly to you.
EXACT LOCATION and ORIENTATION – a FIB Micro Section may be prepared at a very precise location on the specimen surface. This can be through a specific feature or failure, interface or particle, even a crack or void. The orientation of the section may also be defined. Multiple sections may be taken through the same feature or in very close proximity, with each one being uniquely positioned and orientated as desired.
MATERIALS INDEPENDENT – The FIB process is largely independent of materials hardness or structure. Softer materials do not smear, harder materials are polished at similar rates to softer ones, and interfaces are preserved.
MINIMAL MECHANICAL PREPARATION is required for FIB processing. If the sample is small enough to be loaded and is clean and vacuum compatible it can be sectioned.
Standard Micro-sections are typically 20 microns wide, and 10 microns deep, giving a vertical section face area of 2002µm for imaging.
FIB service
Micro-Sections prepared on your sample, with several FIB SE images emailed directly to you.
Standard turnaround from sample receipt is approximately 3 weeks
Three images of each Micro-Section are supplied and emailed:
A top down image of the identified site prior to sectioning
A tiled (45 degree) image of the whole section showing the overview of the site
A zoomed in view of the main feature of interest (at 45 degrees tilt, best effort basis)
Each image contains data such as magnification/FOV, imaging mode, tilt angle, kV etc.
Custom sectioning options:
Fast turn – images emails less than 2 days from sample receipt
Sacrificial metal top coat (to preserve the exact profile of the top surface) - recommended
Wider or deeper sections (either up to 15µm deep and/or wider in 5µm steps)
Additional slices (specify step size from 100nm’s to 2microns) - each
Additional image(s) - please describe carfeully within your job preparation spec e.g. ‘zoomed in view of 1st layer with thickness measurement’ or ‘3 images at high magnification showing whole section face'
Very specific location (position specified to <0.5µm precision in X,Y)
in-situ Chemical decoration to enhance section features (various options) each. Beneficial for highlighting specific features or for subsequent SEM investigations
Report and description - a two page report containing job information with the images (with filenames) collected from your sample during preparation and proccessing. Additional information is included describing the FIB process
Further details may be found at or should you have any questions about this process please call NanoScope Services on +44(0) 117 9576225 or email [email protected]
Before ordering please study the associated documents and complete the customer check list, under the 'delivery and returns' tab, prior to sending your samples.
Technical Data
What is FIB?
Focused ion beam systems (FIB’s) are first cousins to Scanning Electron Microscopes affording high quality and high contrast secondary electron imaging. FIBs use a field emission liquid metal ion source (gallium) instead of electrons. These ions are many times more massive than electrons, and as well as producing high resolution images permit a FIB system to modify the surface of a sample in real time. With careful control this process can be used to machine a vertical trench into the surface of a sample and through a feature of interest. The trench side wall through the target feature can then be polished giving a high quality imaging surface without introducing any serious preparation artefacts. Once prepared this ‘FIB Micro-Section’ can be tilted up by 45 degrees to be imaged using scanning ion microscopy. Standard sections are ~20 microns wide, 8-10 microns front to back and 8-10 microns deep.
LEAD TIMES: Average Lead Times are shown individually in days for any products not currently in stock. Whilst we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise the impact of global supply chain issues, and regularly update our product prices and lead times, some are subject to change due to supply chain fluctuations.
Delivery is calculated at the checkout, please see our delivery and returns page for more information.
With many years of experience and a high level of operator proficiency NanoScope make every effort to get the best sections possible from each sample using state of the art instrumentation. However, FIB preparation is a complex scientific process which relies in part on the machining characteristics, charging profile, mechanical stability, surface morphology, internal stresses and vacuum compatibility of the individual samples. Some variability in the shape and characteristics of the final result may be expected. All sections are produced on a ‘best effort’ basis. We cannot accept any returns for this service.
PRICE & AVAILABILITY: Please note that while we are working closely with our suppliers to minimise any global supply chain issues, prices and availability may be subject to change at short notice.