SEM Specimen Stubs for Environmental Microscopy
Environmental Microscopy specimen stubs.
Special prices valid while stocks last.
Environmental Microscopy specimen stubs.
Special prices valid while stocks last.
These stubs are part of the Peltier cooled stages used by microscopes that can work with a pressure in the specimen chamber higher of 5 Torr (604Pa – water triple point pressure). Over this pressure, under the controlled temperature (realised by Peltier stage), the specimen (mainly bio samples) can keep water in liquid phase. Below 5 Torr water will evaporate and the specimen will not keep the natural status.
These stubs transfer the controlled temperature to the specimen loaded in the small hollow from upper part of stub (usually between -30˚C - +20˚C) making possible either SEM imaging of specimen in its natural status (for slightly positive temperature, 5˚C – 15˚C) or cycling experiments of freezing/warming the sample to study the structure transformation.