The HQ Series is MikroMasch well-established state-of-the-art manufacturing and quality control technology. HQ probes are distinguished by their high quality and repeatability of characteristics. In particular, the probes have very consistent tip shape and radius, cantilever stiffness and resonance frequency, and laser reflectivity even for uncoated cantilevers.
- Radius of Curvature. The radius of curvature measures the sharpness of a particular probe. Typically, the sharper the curvature radius the more fragile a silicon tip is. Conversely, a larger curvature radius provides greater durability but reduces the benefits of a sharper tip. Achieving a consistent balance delivers reliable and accurate results. 94% of HQ probes have a radius of curvature between 7 and 10nm.
- Tip Shape Factor. A higher value indicates a higher aspect ratio probe. A tighter range of values indicates a more consistent tip shape. Results of the tip shape factor tests show consistent and close grouping of data. Known tip shape ensures the accuracy of results. 92% of HQ probes have an aspect ratio between 1.4 and 1.8.
- Resonance Frequency. Probes are designed to maintain a tight range of resonance frequencies. Reliability in cantilever specifications ensures dependable measurement results.
- Pyramidal silicon etched AFM probesNon-contact, Contact and 4-Lever silicon probes.Average lead time: 12 to 28 days
From £368.12
Average lead time: 12 to 28 days - Conductive Pyramidal silicon AFM etched probesConductive Non-contact, Contact and 4-Lever silicon probes.Average lead time: 1 to 28 days
From £463.77
Average lead time: 1 to 28 days - Tipless AFM probesTipless Non-contact and Contact, three lever silicon probes.Average lead time: 28 days
From £452.03
Average lead time: 28 days - Hardened DLC coated silicon probesLong scanning hardened silicon probes.Average lead time: 28 days
From £581.17
Average lead time: 28 days - Magnetic Non-contact silicon probesCo-Cr coated magnetic silicon probes.Average lead time: 28 days
From £481.38
Average lead time: 28 days - High Resolution silicon probesHigh Resolution silicon probes.Average lead time: 28 days
From £703.27
Average lead time: 28 days