Geller reference standard re-callibration service
Geller MicroAnalytical magnification standards can be cleaned and re-certified to assure continued use as a traceable standard.
Geller MicroAnalytical magnification standards can be cleaned and re-certified to assure continued use as a traceable standard.
Geller MicroAnalytical magnification standards can be cleaned and re-certified to assure continued use as a traceable standard. Most quality systems require periodic recertification of standards, when possible to meet the quality guidelines expressed by ISO 10012:2003, ISO 17025, ISO 9000, ANSI/NCSL Z-540-1 or other quality systems.
The recertification frequency is a function of at least two factors. One is how the standard is used and the company’s quality control procedures. If its use degrades the standard in any way (i.e. contamination from electron beam scanning, accumulation of environmental debris or physical damage from handling) cleaning and recertification is necessary to insure the standard is within specification. Many companies closely track and monitor the performance of their standards and the associated test and measurement equipment using working standards (a good working standard for our MRS is a not traceable MRS). Second, it is generally the quality control department that determines the recertification frequency. If working standards are not used we strongly suggest calibration intervals of one year.