- High Precision Pin Vise Handle and Precision Ground Diamond ScribesHigh precision pin vise handle machined from the finest materials.Average lead time: 1 day
From £26.69
Average lead time: 1 day - EPO-TEK H70E Epoxy AG16017EPO-TEK® H70E Thermally Conductive Epoxy.Average lead time: 28 days£144.11Average lead time: 28 days
- Copper foil on aluminium grid AGS149This dual-purpose specimen determines detector efficiency, generating two well separated K lines to check the calibration of the X-ray detector.Call for leadtime£32.20Call for leadtime
- Tantalum AperturesTantalum final apertures are for SEM use where X-ray analysis of biological material is being undertaken.Average lead time: 68 days
From £72.15
Average lead time: 68 days - Stainless Steel DiscsThese stainless steel discs have etched holes and are mainly used for gas flow control, pressure testing and filtering of particles.Average lead time: 5 days
From £349.85
Average lead time: 5 days - Spray apertures, 12.68 x 0.25mm, Molybdenum12.68mm dia, 0.25mm thick. Profile A. Used in Cambridge/LEO/Zeiss and Camscan scanning electron microscopes.Average lead time: 1 to 68 days
From £128.97
Average lead time: 1 to 68 days - Apertures with square holes - 2mm dia, 0.6mm thickApertures with square holes manufactured from platinum.Average lead time: 43 days
Average lead time: 43 days - Apertures with square holes - 3.04mm dia, 0.25mm thickApertures with square holes manufactured from platinum.Average lead time: 68 days
From £387.09
Average lead time: 68 days - Cryo-ApronsCryo-Aprons offer protection from splashes and ultra-cold applications.Average lead time: 5 to 12 days
From £299.12
Average lead time: 5 to 12 days - AFM Disc GripperThis AFM disc gripper has been specially designed with rubber coated tips for picking up discs from a flat surface.Average lead time: 1 day
From £16.09
Average lead time: 1 day - Sable hair brushesSable hair brushes for delicate manoeuvring of specimens and grids.Average lead time: 1 to 26 days
From £30.78
Average lead time: 1 to 26 days - Acheson Silver DAG 1415MThe genuine replacement for DAG 915, used widely in electron microscopy and electronic circuitry for capacitor terminations, electrostatic screening, coating of UHF reflectors and electroplating on non-conductors.Average lead time: 1 to 26 days
From £16.94
Average lead time: 1 to 26 days - Average lead time: 12 days
- Insect PinsInsect pins: 0.2 x 12mm, 0.1 x 12mm, 0.25 x 38mm.Average lead time: 1 to 12 days
From £13.06
Average lead time: 1 to 12 days - Osmium TetroxideOsmium Tetroxide, OsO4, is a useful chemical compound that finds application as a staining and fixing agent for use in electron microscopy.Average lead time: 1 to 58 days
From £51.71
Average lead time: 1 to 58 days - Epoxy ResinsEpoxy resins for the preparation and sectioning of specimens for TEM.Average lead time: 1 to 28 days
From £9.10
Average lead time: 1 to 28 days - Average lead time: 1 to 19 days
- BuffersSome buffers are toxic and should be handled with the same care as fixatives.Average lead time: 1 to 28 days
From £28.56
Average lead time: 1 to 28 days - Antifadent (AF) solutionsPhosphate buffered saline solution containing antifadent, specially prepared for use with UVM 3 solution where fluorochrome fading is a problem.Average lead time: 5 to 28 days
From £9.21
Average lead time: 5 to 28 days - Quantifoil S7/2 holey carbon films - SquareSquare hole, size 7 x 7µm, bar width 2µm.Average lead time: 1 to 178 days
From £98.02
Average lead time: 1 to 178 days - Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 holey carbon films - CircularCircular hole, size 1.2µm dia, separation 1.3µm, pitch 2.5µm.Average lead time: 1 to 198 days
From £111.75
Average lead time: 1 to 198 days - SEM Stub GrippersThese scissor-shaped grippers are useful for handling SEM specimen stubs.Average lead time: 1 day
From £9.79
Average lead time: 1 day - Diamond Scriber, fine pointA diamond scriber with a very fine point.Average lead time: 26 days
From £42.04
Average lead time: 26 days - Fine Scalpel HandlesAn alternative handle has been designed to allow easier blade fitting and removal.Average lead time: 12 days
From £39.39
Average lead time: 12 days